Posts Tagged ‘things we can count on in our lives’

A Shelter from the Storm

September 2, 2014

Here at Dignitary’s Retreat, I dedicate a lot of space to discussing the necessity of embracing change and making positive adjustments throughout the course of our lives. But in this post, I am focusing on affirming those elements that remain steady, which reliably deliver the support we need—whether it’s our bodies, our talents, our support systems, or at least our sense of humor. Having that thing that we know will remain firm and support us through life’s rocky times, well, that’s merits acknowledgement, too.


My life over these past five years has been nothing but turbulent; the types of stress that accompany such a high level of instability have taken their toll on my bank book, my idealism, my social network, and my ego, to mention but a few. Whether it’s the loss of highly valued, long term relationships, a cratering of a presumed career, uprooting and moving to an entirely different part of the country, a significant economic downturn, or a stark confrontation of the truth that what I had worked so hard to build turned out not to be what I wanted, well, I imagine you can sympathize with just how upsetting the winds of change can be. What stormy currents are you sailing these days?


Yet, other truths exist, as well. Throughout this ongoing upheaval, I have had unwavering support from family members and friends. They shore me up when I falter, terrified that I lack the strength to make it through. My body has reliably worked despite all the strain. When crunch time has come, I’ve been able to summon the psychological, emotional, and spiritual resources necessary to get me through the moment, through the day. I’ve never once had to worry about where I would sleep or if there’d be food on the table. Over time, my perspective righted itself, enabling me to laugh again. And, despite all the anxiety and confusion I feel, I have never, ever believed that this crisis would ultimately defeat me.


These are no small things.


So, my question to you is this: what elements of your life can you rely on? Who or what is there to shore you up when you falter? Because these resources exist for you, too. They may differ from mine, but they are there. Take a moment to acknowledge who or what they are—and be certain to include those elements of yourself which support and sustain the very best parts of who you are.


Now, write ‘em down.


I want you to take pen to paper because the act of putting them into physical form gives such thoughts more credence than simply allowing them to float, temporarily, across our consciousness. We all have parts of our lives which remain fixed in our corner, and knowing what these elements are can provide a source of strength when we feel the rest of our lives closing in on us. This is our personal storm cellar, a refuge that each one of us is entitled to, but must build for ourselves. It’s not a place to hide from the world, but a shelter for those times where we feel the rest of our lives has been stripped bare. The reason this is important is that—at least for me—when I’ve felt particularly frustrated or overwhelmed or defeated by my circumstances, having no idea what might come next, I’ve been able to stop myself, slow my panic, and remember all those things I do have, taking a moment to summon gratitude for all those elements which continue to work in my favor. This is my wish for you, too.


Are you willing to try?

 Tornado pic